Why subscribe?

If you want writing from three distinct authors, each with their own perspective and style—yet, tied together by a similar sense of reflective and attentive care for their craft—then you’re in the right place.

We want to unravel the kaleidoscope of reality the best our humble minds can. Through short fiction, non-fiction essays, and critical analysis we—Loreguy, Brotato, and Comrade Rybin Z— can offer you a clear, nuanced vantage point over a world that seems to make less and less sense by the day.

To cut through the fog of these vertigo years, we need to use every tool we can lay our hands on. That’s why we lean into an eclectic aesthetic here at Forest of Doors. No one style, genre, or ideology can carve a path forward in this world—only through shattering the conventions which choke us all can we break free of obfuscation.

Subscribe to Forest of Doors

Can you pull your eyes away from the kaleidoscope?


Writer and educator in the District. Revolutionary labor organizer with the IWW Education Workers Organizing Committee. My non-fiction analyzes the education industry, based on deep research that centers workers' perspectives.
Writer for fun, radical by necessity. Two cities are my home: Philadelphia and Asunción.
Vividly living lividly. We're three writers bringing eclectic reflections on our world through short fiction, literary analysis, political essays, and whatever else we feel like—so deal with it